
旋轉滑片(piàn)式 空氣壓縮機的工作原理

2018-12-13 10:09:47      點(diǎn)擊:
滑(huá)片式壓縮機采用傳統的、已經得到驗證的技術, 以非常低的速度(1450rpm)直接(jiē)進行驅動,具有wuyu倫比的的(de)可靠性。 轉子是惟一連續運行的部件, 上面有若幹個沿長度方向切割的槽, 其中(zhōng)插有可在油膜上滑動的滑片。 轉子(zǐ)在氣缸的定子中旋轉。在(zài)旋轉期間, 離心力将(jiāng)滑片從槽中甩出,形成一個個單(dān)獨的 壓縮室。旋轉使壓縮室的體積不斷減(jiǎn)小,空(kōng)氣壓力不斷增大。 通(tōng)過注入加壓油來控制壓縮産(chǎn)生的熱量。 高壓空氣從排氣口(kǒu)排出(chū),其中殘留的油通過zui終的油分離器(qì)予以(yǐ)清除。 壓縮能力: 康普艾滑片(piàn)式 空氣壓縮機的功率範(fàn)圍為 1.1 kW 至 75 kW (1.5 至 100hp),所(suǒ)産生的工作壓力(lì)為 7 至 8 和 10 bar (101 至 145psi)。 其典型用途是: OEM、印刷、氣動 實驗室、牙科、 儀表 機(jī)床、包裝、機器人。

Sliding vane compressor is driven directly at very low speed (1450 rpm) using traditional and proven technology, and has comparable reliability with Wuyu. The rotor is the only continuous running component with several slots cut along the length direction, and sliders that can slide on the oil film are inserted. The rotor rotates in the stator of the cylinder. During the rotation, the centrifugal force throws the slider out of the groove to form a separate compression chamber. Rotation reduces the volume of the compressor and increases the air pressure. The heat generated by compression is controlled by injecting pressurized oil. The high pressure air is discharged from the exhaust port, and the remaining oil is removed through the Zui final oil separator. Compression capacity: Compaq slider air compressor power range from 1.1 kW to 75 kW (1.5 to 100 hp), resulting in working pressure of 7 to 8 and 10 bars (101 to 145 psi). Its typical uses are: OEM, printing, pneumatic laboratory, dentistry, instrument machine tools, packaging, robots.


High temperature of air compressor is one of the common faults in the use of air compressor. Especially for mobile air compressor working outdoors, the probability of this problem is more serious in hot summer.