1, do a good job in cleaning the machine. After the air compressor runs for a long time, it is forbidden to use cold water to wash.
2. Manual exhaust test is carried out periodically (weekly) on the safety valve of the gas storage tank to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the safety valve.
3. Operators should be specially trained. They must have a comprehensive understanding of the structure, performance and function of air compressors and ancillary equipment, and be familiar with the operation and maintenance procedures.
4, air compressors should be kept away from steam, gas and dust. The intake manifold should be equipped with a filtration device. After the air compressor is in place, the pad is symmetrically wedged.
5, always keep the storage tank clean outside. It is forbidden to weld or heat treatment near the storage tank. The storage tank should be subjected to hydraulic pressure test once a year, and the test pressure should be 1.5 times the working pressure. The barometer and safety valve should be inspected once a year.
聽完小編的細說,您是(shì)否對空壓機的(de)維護(hù)保養有了一定(dìng)認識(shí)呢。嚴格執行開山空壓機操作規程,不僅有助(zhù)于延長開山(shān)空壓機的使用壽(shòu)命,而且能确保空壓(yā)機操作人員的安全。大家在選購空壓機(jī)中有任何疑問,都(dōu)可以(yǐ)聯系我們 。
After listening to the details of the Xiaobian, do you have a certain understanding of air compressor maintenance? Strict implementation of the operating rules of hill-opening air compressor not only helps to extend the service life of hill-opening air compressor, but also ensures the safety of air compressor operators. You can contact us if you have any questions in purchasing air compressors.
Tsing Shan air compress